Relax in Complete Comfort with Sedation Dentistry in Teague, Texas
At Gonzalez Dentistry, we want our patients to feel comfortable during every office visit. For many patients, that’s as simple as offering a kind word and gentle dentistry services, but for others, dental sedation is necessary to give them a pain and stress free dentistry experience. Sedation is a good option for patients with dental phobia or anxiety, those who have sensitive gag reflexes, who need multiple procedures, or who have difficulty numbing with local anesthesia alone. Contact our team to find out more about your sedation dentistry options.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Nitrous oxide, sometimes called laughing gas due to its euphoric effect on patients, is a gas inhaled through a nasal mask during treatment. This form of dental sedation is ideal for patients who have mild phobias or find it difficult to numb with local anesthesia. This safe, effective sedative is administered by the dentist at the time of treatment, and patients’ vitals are monitored throughout. Because the sedative dosage can be easily adjusted during care, patients can achieve optimum comfort. Best of all, the effects wear off as quickly as they set in, meaning patients can drive themselves to and from our office.
Oral Conscious Sedation
Patients with more advanced dental phobia or anxiety may want to consider oral conscious sedation. Because the sedative takes effect before they ever leave home, this is a great solution for those who struggle to leave home for their appointment due to stress or fear. At a predetermined time prior to treatment, the patient takes a prescribed sedative medication. Within an hour, patients begin to relax, and by the time they reach our office, they’re able to undergo even the most advanced dentistry procedures free from pain and anxiety. The effects of oral conscious sedation are long lasting, so patients should plan to have a friend or family member drive them to and from our office.